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  • 公司:上海淳商實業發展有限公司
産品中心所在位置:首頁 >> 産品中心 >> 電(diàn)子鼻 >> Electronic Nose for Odor discrimination Shanghai Bosin Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
  • Electronic Nose for Odor discrimination Shanghai Bosin Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
  • 産品類别:電(diàn)子鼻
  • 産品概述: Electronic tongue electronic taste analyzer, taste fingerprint analyzer, electronic eye vision test, olfaction analyzer, olfaction analysis, odor analysis, difference analysis of traditional Chinese medicine, taste recognition analysis
  • 産品更新時(shí)間(jiān):2019-09-24
  • 此産品已被浏覽1552次


The primary detection object of electronic nose is volatile odor substances. When odor molecules pass through the electronic nose, "odor fingerprint" of the smell can be detected by special sensors and analyzed with intelligent pattern recognition algorithm to tell the difference in odor among samples. With this "odor fingerprint" data, we can distinguish and recognize different samples in several minutes. In addition, certain flavoring substances have multiple quality information affected by many variables, such as different raw materials, different harvest time, different processing conditions and different storage environment. electronic nose is composed of the most advanced sensor, which are currently of the best stability, the highest detection accuracy of the electronic nose .


Process control: quantity control of additives in food production, industrial cleaning process control, fermentation process control, the amount of artificial gas in natural gas, the production control of packaging in food industry, deep fry or barbecue process control.


Quality control: odor of grease, freshness of food, exhaled gas of packaging, solvent residue of polymer, degradation of flavor, drug gas, characteristics of resin, aroma of beverage, etc.


Environmental safety control: waste water purification process, fertilizer odor, filtration process management, indoor air pollution, bacteria identification, leakage control, combustion control.


Electronic tongue electronic taste analyzer, taste fingerprint analyzer, electronic eye vision test, olfaction analyzer, olfaction analysis, odor analysis, difference analysis of traditional Chinese medicine, taste recognition analysis, difference taste analyzer, gas analyzer, portable gas analyzer, on-line gas analyzer, smoke analyzer, biogas analysis Electronic olfactory human body simulation electronic nose, olfactory analyzer, olfactometer, olfactory analysis, gas analysis, odor analysis, olfactory sense

電(diàn)子舌 電(diàn)子食味儀 味覺指紋分析儀 滋味分析儀 電(diàn)子眼 視(shì)覺測試 嗅覺分析儀 嗅覺分析 氣味分析 中藥差别分析 味覺識别分析 氣味分析差距 味覺分析儀 氣體(tǐ)分析儀、便攜氣體(tǐ)分析儀、在線氣體(tǐ)分析儀、煙氣分析儀、沼氣分析儀、空(kōng)氣質量監測系統、VOCs分析儀 惡臭分析儀  電(diàn)子嗅覺 人(rén)體(tǐ)仿真 電(diàn)子鼻、嗅覺分析儀、嗅辯儀、嗅覺分析、氣體(tǐ)分析、氣味分析、嗅覺感官



Unique interactive sensitive multi-sensor array: 14 metal oxide semiconductor sensors of different properties

Detection accuracy: up to PPB level

Detection duration: 1-2 minutes per sample

Sensor response time: less than 1 second

Stable detection data: each sensor in an independent air chamber.

Easy to operate: complete intelligent pattern recognition.

3 types available: online, portable and desktop.

Multiple mathematical statistics system:

Discriminating test (PCA) for differences in overall quality of objects

Origin protection products and brand product authenticity identification (SIMCA, PLS-DA)

Product quality rating (DFA)

Fast inversion of sensory properties and physicochemical indexes of samples (PLS)

Product shelf life evaluation (PCA, PLS)


Examples of application

1. Food rancidity analysis

2. Analysis of molasses species and aromatic characteristics

3. Meat freshness analysis

4. Analysis of fruit freshness aroma types

5. Identification and analysis of yogurt and ingredients

6. Milk freshness analysis

7. Distinguish different non-alcoholic drinks such as fruit juice

8. Analysis on the difference of aroma of alcoholic drinks

9. Analysis of grain growth

10. Aroma score of coffee and related products

11. Tobacco quality and aroma analysis

12. Analysis of aroma of other food


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