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産品中心所在位置:首頁 >> 産品中心 >> 質構儀-通(tōng)用型質構儀 >> Bosin TA.20 texture analyzer
  • Bosin TA.20 texture analyzer
  • 産品類别:質構儀-通(tōng)用型質構儀
  • 産品概述: Food texture analyzer. Instrument of physical property. Meat tenderness tester. Gel strength tester. Measurement of noodle tension. Measurement of Freshness of Fruits and Vegetables.Adhesive test.
  • 産品更新時(shí)間(jiān):2019-09-24
  • 此産品已被浏覽1514次


The TA.20 texture analyzer launched by Shanghai Baosheng Industrial Development Co., Ltd. is specially designed for students'teaching.  The instrument adopts international force sensor, high-performance motor and wear-resistant rotating shaft. It continues the excellent software control and automatic data analysis performance of TA texture analyzer. It has excellent quality, intelligent operation and favorable price. This texture analyzer is especially suitable for the research and teaching of food physical properties.

Food texture analyzer. Instrument of physical property. Meat tenderness tester. Gel strength tester. Measurement of noodle tension. Measurement of Freshness of Fruits and VegetablesAdhesive test.Material Testing Machine.Disintegration of tablets.Food texture analyzer.Physical test. Tester for gelatin.Meat tenderness tester.Pork tenderness evaluation method. Firmness. Hardness. Stickiness. Brittleness. Crispness. Elasticity. Consistency. Stability. Toughness. Cohesiveness.
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功能Application Studies

Test type: Basic Single Test, Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)

Instrument protection: Emergency stop device; Upper and lower limit control device; Overload protection of the force sensor on the software;

Instrument operation: curve and test results displayed on the same screen;

Language: English or Chinese; easy to operate;

Technical support: Application manual with more than 300 methods

基本參數(shù)Instrument Specification

測試精度 Force Resolution: 0.001g

速度解析度Speed Resolution: 0.01mm/s.

升降臂全距 Maximum Distance: 350mm

位移精度Distance Resolution: 0.001mm

數(shù)據采集率 Data Acquisition Rate: 500 per second

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